Ear Lidding Treatment
When baby ears fold over, it is referred to as an ear lidding deformity. Some parents describe it as a floppy baby ear. Physicians may describe it was a lop ear when it is more severe.
Baby Ear Lidding Deformity
Ear lidding is caused by abnormal folding of the cartilage which supports the top of the ear. The cartilage is what supports and shapes the ear. Therefore, when the ear cartilage is bent downward, the ear has a folded appearance. This can vary in severity and may improve slightly in the first week after birth. However, once the newborn is about 7-10 days old, the ear will maintain this shape unless it is molded.
Ear Lidding Deformity
It is best to start ear molding in the first few weeks after birth before the cartilage starts to harden with the folded over shape.
Baby ear cartilage can be reshaped with a custom ear splint. Specifically for baby ears that fold over, we don’t use the EarWell® device. These are better treated with a more customized mold which Dr. Jandali makes out of a soft, medical-grade silicone material. The application of the mold is painless and causes no irritation to the baby. It corrects ear lidding deformities better than the Earwell® device as it allows greater elevation of the upper part of the ear which is folded over.
Success Story #1 Ear Lidding after Ear Molding

Success Story #2
Success Story #3
Success Story #4
Success Story #5
Contact Us - Ear Lidding Treatment
If your baby has one or both ears folding over, we can help. Lidding ear deformities are easily corrected non-surgically with ear molding. Call us for more information or to set up an appointment - (917) 708-0018. We will obtain insurance approval before your first visit.